Member-only story
Black Friday Woes
Working in retail is not a dream job on the best of days. Throw in the chaos of a pandemic where people are arguing with us about entering without a mask and add on to that the country being on the verge of another shut down and what do you get?
I try to find patience with people. I don’t know what they are personally going through. I don’t know what daily battles they are fighting, but what I do know is that on Black Friday you tend to see the worst in people.
You would think after a day of being grateful, of spending time eating a huge meal with their loved ones, and getting great deals on items, people would be in a good mood.
There is something about Black Friday that is like a storm cloud hanging over the stores. Employees are already exhausted from getting ready for this day to come, and now the hours are even longer but we still expect them to slap on a happy face and deal with everything that is thrown at them.
Lines are long and people grow impatient. Which I completely don’t understand. If you choose to go shopping on the busiest day of the year, you need to expect to stand in long lines with the hundreds that are standing there with you.
This year I fear will be even worse. People are on edge, and the callouts due to sickness are worse than years prior. I will do what…