Member-only story
Candid Photography
Capturing The Real Moments
Someone asked me when the last time we had a family photograph taken and I can honestly say over a decade ago.
A professional photography session is expensive for one thing, but the real answer is, I don’t want photos to see what we used to look like. I want real photos that bring back memories and capture who a person really is.
For example, in the picture above my son is getting a baseball signed. It makes me remember his smile when he caught the fly ball and how nervous he was to walk down and have it signed. I remember how he paid with his own money to buy a baseball stand and set it on a shelf where it stayed for years.
He was so proud of that ball.
My other son is an animal lover. One of his favorite things to do is cuddle up with the dog and relax. He’s always cold inside and rarely is found without a hoodie. This picture captures his laid back personality.
What kind of memories can be captured by a professional shoot? Remembering the photographer say, “Stand here, lean more this way, put your hand here…”