Member-only story
Crazy Chickens!
When I first decided to get chickens, I had to decide what kind to get. I did not realize how many different chicken breeds there were to choose from!
I knew one thing. I wanted chickens that were good egg layers, and since they would be my first chickens, I wanted them to all be different.
If you go with a normal breed like Plymouth rock for example, they all look relatively the same. That’s not what I wanted. I wanted each one to be different from each other. I wanted to name them.
I chose what is referred to as ‘Easter Eggers’. They are not an actual breed, but will lay different color eggs and will vary in their looks. They are friendly and hardy and lay large-extra large eggs.
And boy did I get what I wanted. The chicken in the first picture is one of the friendliest. My mother, who has Alzheimer’s, has the same conversation with me three times a day and always wants to hear about the chickens.
I shared the picture with her, and she said, “You should name her Violet.”
Just to hear the joy in her voice over being able to name one of my chickens makes it all worth it.
Then we have this girl: