Member-only story
Creating Wills And Plans For Peace Of Mind
As my mother continues to decline, something has become very apparent to me. Death, wills, and money are topics that are almost taboo to discuss.
It is so important to have a will, even a simple one, so that if something were to happen, the people who you leave behind have clear instruction on what it is you have and want. When you don’t have a will, instead of having time to grieve, they are left with having to make decision after decision. On top of that, if it is unclear as to what your assets are and how they are to be divided your loved ones are left to scramble to try to figure it all out.
My parents have been pretty open and clear to my sister and I about what they want should something happen to them. We know where their finances stand and how they want things divided up. We know what their wishes are as far as burial/cremation. Those are things we don’t have to worry about.
But, now that my mother is failing my father is finding himself in a position of stress and uncertainty. He doesn’t have the best heart and stresses that should something happen to him, my mom would not be properly taken care of. She’s gotten to the point where she can’t be left alone at all and needs help with basic things such as getting dressed and eating.