Member-only story
It’s Time For A Change
Knowing When To Grab The Bull By The Horns
For the last year now, I’ve had an urge to get away from my job. I currently work in retail and it tends to suck the life out of you. You spend your entire day picking up after people who not only give a shit that you’re doing it, but expect you to do so.
With the virus running rampant, it seems as though people have lost all of their common courtesy and most do nothing but complain about whatever it is they can find to complain about.
Even though I’ve had this urge, I set a goal for myself to be in a position financially to quit my job in four years. That was May first. Now, we are not even three months past that, and that urge is more like a hot poker stabbing me over and over again.
It’s time for a change.
I need to increase my goal timeline. I have so many ideas, but haven’t put any into service. Most of these ideas I honestly won’t be able to do until Spring at the earliest, but I need to find something soon.
I’d hoped to increase what I make here on Medium, but with the algorithm the way it is, it’s going to take a long time for me to make much here.
Now, with my youngest son moving back home, the urge is stronger than ever. As much as I would love to give my two-weeks notice…