Member-only story
Media Is Fueling My Anger
And I’m Putting A Stop To It
I am so angry, and I’m tired of feeling this way.
The country I love so much has gone off the rails. Any time I turn on the news, my anxiety spikes and my anger surges.
Every time I log onto Facebook, I itch to respond to things that need no response.
The United States of America is truly a great country.
There have been massive mistakes along the way, but there always will be. The trick is to learn from the mistakes and move on.
Our country is not moving on.
People are so stuck on the mistakes of the past, they are not learning from them and therefor repeating them over and over and over again.
Innocent lives have been snuffed out because an innocent life was snuffed out.
How does that even make sense?
It hurts my heart so deeply to watch people tear each other down with hatred instead of pulling together and sharing the strength.
Politicians are pointing fingers and blaming others when they should see the hurt and pain and come together for a solution.
Our history is being whitewashed. Statues are being torn down, history books rewritten. History can’t be changed. It…