My Medium Money In October

Stefani Vader
2 min readNov 6, 2022
Photo by Gio Bartlett on Unsplash

The month of October blew by for me. I’m honestly not quite sure what I spent my days doing other than working and trying to sleep. With that said, it came as no surprise to see that I had not written a single post in the entire month.

This has only happened one other time that I recall in the past several years. I enjoy writing posts on Medium. It used to be better, but even as bad as it has gotten, I still enjoy being here.

So, how much did I manage to make in the entire month here on Medium?

Are you ready for this?


Yes, there is a decimal in there, although I wish there weren’t.

I’ve had bad months before, but never this horrible. Even when I’m not writing consistently, I still manage somehow to get a few reads a day. Not in October.

After paying for my membership, I’m in the negative. I know it’s my fault. I need to be more active, I need to write more consistently. But wow.


That’s not even enough to buy anything. Nothing! It’s costing me money by not doing what I need to be doing. I can’t afford to lose any money when I’m working so hard to make as much money as possible.

Not again.



Stefani Vader

Lover of reading and writing. Hater of retail work. Small fish in a big pond, learning as I go.