Member-only story
My Plan Has To Be Scrapped
Learning How To Adjust
I had this plan. It was great. Until it wasn’t.
This plan I had was a multi-step, multi-faceted plan. It involved things staying strictly according to the plan.
Yeah, that was mistake number 1.
No matter how organized a person may be, life does not always cooperate. Things come up, situations change. In my case, what I failed to realize is that I don’t like boundaries.
I had planned on writing this series that was in my head. I figured each novella would be centered around one main character and each story would be roughly 20,000 words.
I am a discovery writer.
Kind of.
What I’ve come to realize though is that I need a basic outline to follow. I still allow the characters to be wild, but I need to know how the story ends. So, when I got about five chapters into my novella, I took an hour and plotted out the remaining plot points and chapters.
Uh oh.
Instead of this story being roughly 10 chapters, it’s shaping up to be at least 24. That is not novella length. That is a bare minimum of 48,000 words!
Most people would think to themselves, great!