Member-only story
Quarantined! Day 6
Finding Projects
During this ‘social distancing’ and ‘self-quarantine’ period, you constantly hear about people being bored out of their mind.
I can understand that to a point.
For those living in an apartment and don’t have outdoor space they can utilize, I can only imagine how caged in a person may feel.
I am one of the lucky ones.
Our property is five acres. When we bought it back in July, it had been abandoned for over twenty years. It was such a jungle, that if you stood on the street and looked toward the house, you’d never know there was a house on the lot.
So, for us, there is plenty we can do.
For days now, my husband has been digging up stumps and roots while I plant the garden beds.
But, you get bored of doing the same thing over and over again, so what do you do?
I could tell he was getting a little antsy.
Without me having to say anything, he began to pull out all the wood scraps we had laying around. He gathered up the leftover chicken wire, and I silently watched as he stood back with his hands on his hips staring at the pile.
He scratched his head, walked around the pile, and stood there again.