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Story A Day In May
Trying To Get Back Into A Writing Routine
I was trying to figure out a way to motivate myself to get back into the habit of writing every day. Out of nowhere, I remembered doing Story A Day In May ten years ago and how much fun it was so I’m going to do it.
I work well off of picture prompts so every day I’m going to find a random picture and create a short story about it. It helps spark my creativity.
Have you ever worked off of a photo prompt? The way I do it is I find a picture (like the one above) and ask myself a series of five questions. Who, what, where, when, and why. Usually, by that time, some sort of story emerges.
In the photo above, the who is going to be three tourists. Where are they? In some large city. Why? They went for a work conference. When? Sometime during the fall. What are they doing? They got lost and they’re sitting on someone’s stoop. How are they going to solve their issue? They are going to call an Uber who takes them on a crazy ride through the most dangerous streets of the city before taking them back to the convention center.
The tricky part for me is my work schedule. I need to figure out a way to write on my phone so that while I’m working during the day, I can also write a little here and there. My old phone had an app that I used. I guess I’ll do a search and find another one for my new phone.
I’m excited about this. I’m in the middle of writing two novels, but I can’t seem to get motivated to work on them. I need my creativity sparked again and get back to writing fiction and I’m hoping this puts me back on track writing fiction.
Has anyone else done Story A Day In May?