Member-only story
Stuck In The Middle Of Family Drama
For most people, when your children are born, you imagine all the wonderful things that you’ll do with them. You wish and hope and pray that they will grow up to be smart, good-hearted adults.
Along the way, you make millions of decisions regarding your children. What do you feed them, what do you dress them in? Do you breast feed? Do you leave them in the care of a babysitter? These decisions are often made hourly each and every day.
As they grow, the decisions almost become even more important. At what age do you allow them to have a cell phone? Do you allow them access to internet? How protective do you need to be regarding their friendships?
The list goes on and on in an endless cycle.
Then comes the point where you just want to rip your hair out.
I sit here, stuck in the middle of my son and his father (my husband) and can’t help but wonder where on earth did I go wrong, and what have I done to deserve this?
Our situation is a little rough. We live out in the middle of nowhere. The closest city is an hour drive away. In order to go anywhere, you need a car.
My son is old enough to drive, but we haven’t gotten him his license yet. He can’t get a job because he has no transportation. Even if he had his license, he still would…