Member-only story
Taking Time For Me
It has been so long since I’ve taken time for myself. Normally I’m so exhausted on my days off that I don’t want to go do anything. I would stay in my jammies as long as I could and would get frustrated if I had to go anywhere.
Today is the first day in months that I’ve been well-rested and at peace enough to want to get up and get going. I can’t even tell you how wonderful today was.
I got to sleep in, for the most part. I got up, made some coffee, and sat down to watch a little television. Within an hour though, I was itching to work on some of my writing projects. There was a problem though. I was so comfortable sitting there on my couch, in my pajamas, watching a show.
I decided to get up and get dressed. I took my laptop into my husband’s office, set it up, and got going. I didn’t get nearly as much done as I wanted to, but I got a full chapter edited, 500 words written on my short story, and reached out to my critique circle to get help with the first half of my story.
I did some research on Kindle Vella and had a conversation with a fellow writer about formatting. I made my goals for the rest of the year as far as publishing goes. I listened to some podcasts.
All together, I feel very accomplished. It was day one of my six day vacation. There was something missing though. As much as I got done, I felt…