Member-only story
Thanksgiving Week
In the midst of a global pandemic, Thanksgiving this year has brought a little bit of normalcy back to life.
For most people (I know not all) this week is all about preparing for Thanksgiving. The holiday for a lot of people is steeped in traditions, and falling back on those traditions makes it seem like every other year.
With some differences of course.
Families may not travel in order to spend time together.
I read a great article not long ago about staying home for the holidays during the pandemic. I understand the thought behind that. You want to stay safe and keep your families safe. You don’t want to get on a plane where you are stuck in a space that is recirculating the air that everyone is breathing.
But at the same time, what if something were to happen next week? What if this is the last holiday that you could spend with your loved ones? What if Grandma, who you are so worried about keeping safe, is now sitting alone, wishing that her family was sitting by her side. What if Grandma doesn’t live to see next Thanksgiving?
For everyone the decision to travel and spend time with extended family is a personal one. Every situation is different and the pros and cons will have to be weighed heavily, but it really got me thinking about it.