Member-only story
The Big Medium Change — Day 2
The excitement builds!
There’s a certain anticipation of the unknown that gets your heart pumping faster. You don’t know if the change will be good… or bad.
Each notification that comes through has you checking your stats throughout the day, and when no notifications come through for a couple of hours, you start to worry if something is going wrong.
So far, I’ve noticed a few things:
Notifications are still a bit wonky. Sometimes one will come through when there isn’t a new one there, and sometimes after hours a bunch will suddenly show up. This is a bit frustrating, but I know that it will eventually even out once they work through all the kinks and bugs.
Marketing is going to play a bigger part for most of us. Or maybe it always has and I’m just now beginning to realize it.
When you have been on Medium for over a year, and you have hundreds of stories posted, I am completely amazed at how many old stories are being looked at and read! Most of these I’m only making a penny or two on, but those pennies add up!
Day 2 was great for me. Now, remember that I am a small fish who has so much going on in life I have put Medium on the back burner for the last month or so while I move and get organized. Last month I only made $13.89. So, when I saw…