The Last Warm Days

Enjoying The Now Instead Of Worrying About Tomorrow

Stefani Vader
2 min readOct 19, 2020
Photo by Alex Geerts on Unsplash

I put a sweatshirt on for the first time the other night and actually shivered.

Now, I know for the most part, people who are reading this have been feeling the chill of the changing seasons for a little while. I live down south where normally I don’t feel this chill until the first week of November.

So, as I shivered I realized that dread was filling me. It’s only halfway through October which means the garden season this year will be shorter, and the cold weather will be here for longer.

I didn’t move to the south to be cold. I don’t like cold weather and I don’t like shivering. If I had my way, the days would be around 85 and the nights would get no colder than 70. I hate when I see the lows dipping down into the low sixties or even high fifties. Brrr.

Then I started running through the lists of what I had wanted to get accomplished during the season that still needed to be checked off. There were so many things and disappointment started filling me.

Right then, my husband came outside and handed me a steaming cup of hot tea before sitting next to me.

“The oranges are starting to ripen.”



Stefani Vader

Lover of reading and writing. Hater of retail work. Small fish in a big pond, learning as I go.