Member-only story
The New Medium
Results Halfway Through The Month
It’s halfway through the month with all the new Medium changes, and I’m sticking it out just like I said I would.
But, is it worth it? So far, the numbers say no. That’s if you look at the short run though.
This month I’ve written twice as many stories I did last month. The money I’ve made is half of what it was last month. At this rate, I’ll be lucky to break even after paying for the membership and the $2 for one of the pubs.
This is not me complaining. When I looked today and saw that I’m at $4.99, the first thought that came to my mind was, hey, at least I’m still getting paid for writing!
The truth is, yes, it used to be better for me. There is also a lot more that I can do to increase it. I could spend more time reading and commenting on other people’s. I could spend the time to submit more pieces to other publications. I could spend more time marketing my work.
That is why I’m sticking it out.
Yes, the changes Medium has made suck for me. That doesn’t mean I’m going to give it up; not yet.
I work in retail so November and December are always super busy stressful months. I will plug along doing what I can. In January I will readjust my goals and the way I tackle things. Then and only then will I truly know if Medium is still worth it.
I miss the old Medium. I really do. Instead of making a few dollars a day, I’m down to making pennies. Instead of Medium help get me ahead, I’m struggling to break even. But, that’s my choice and my decision. I will continue to struggle until I make changes.
We have to adapt to change in life, and Medium is no different. It is up to us to either adapt to change or move in another direction.