The Sweetest Love Text

Stefani Vader
3 min readJul 5, 2020
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Back in April when our nation was basically on lock down, my husband self-quarantined himself out in our shed.

He still had to work, and since I’m high risk for catching the Corona Virus, he sacrificed his comfort to keep me healthy. It was a long lonely month.

We ate together outside, about ten feet apart. We went for a couple of walks together, on opposite sides of the street. We were both there, yet the distance felt like miles.

One night while I was laying in bed, and he was laying on the cot in the shed, he sent me a text that brought the tears flowing down my cheeks.

“At some point in time one of us won’t wake up in the morning. You should know that you are my life. 20 years ago, you saved my life, most likely. One thing being in this God damn shed has made me realize is how much I need and love you. I couldn’t imagine my life without you. Thank you for putting up with my bull shit throughout the years. I love you more than anything.”

We are complete opposites in every way. I am an open book who voices my emotions and wears them on my face. He on the other hand, does not. I know how much he loves me by how he listens to me and does things for me that I’ve mentioned. He works his ass off to provide whatever it is I want.



Stefani Vader

Lover of reading and writing. Hater of retail work. Small fish in a big pond, learning as I go.