Member-only story
Why I Journal During My Quarantine
Someone made a comment on why I write daily on what I’m doing during my quarantine, and honestly it kind of irritated me. Perhaps it was the way they asked:
“Why do you tell people what you do every day at home? Do you really think people give a rip?”
Writing to me is personal. If someone doesn’t want to read my posts, that’s okay. I don’t write for the money (although that is a nice side benefit) I write what I’m thinking about.
During the Corona Virus pandemic, what I think about is the future.
Five years from now, when I look back, what will I remember? What are the little details that I will forget about?
I want to remember when gas prices went from $2.39 down to $1.79, yet we couldn’t take advantage because we weren’t allowed to travel.
I want to remember that the first time I got to harvest my own eggs was because my husband bought two laying hens to ensure we would have eggs to eat.
I want to remember the toilet paper crisis and the stupidity and panic American’s caused. Remembering this will make me always keep at least a month supply of paper products.
I want to remember seeing so many people outside playing in the sun, tending their yards because they couldn’t go to work and were bored.